Letter from the CEO: What our Volunteers Mean to Us

Dear Volunteers,

Happy volunteer appreciation week! I am thrilled to extend my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering dedication to Catholic Charities of Acadiana and to those that we serve.

There is no true way to express your immense value to us and our work. Your commitment to Catholic Charities of Acadiana has allowed us to extend the mercy of Christ to some of our most vulnerable neighbors who have no one else to turn to. You selflessly gave of your time to help serve over 22,000 warm meals monthly through St. Joseph Diner. You helped put together over 3,000 emergency food bags each month through FoodNet Food Bank. Your compassionate response to our clients in their time of need through Rebuilding Together Acadiana and our disaster response program reminded them of their God given dignity while providing real help in their time of need.

Your hospitality at Emily House, administrative support, maintenance, and donations assistance have made a deep and tangible impact. Your involvement in special events such as the Food for Families Food Drive, the Catholic Charities of Acadiana Annual Mass & Banquet, Sharing Spirits, and Crossroads Collective remote sales events has been instrumental in their success.

Your dedication across all our programs is vital to our mission of feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, and providing shelter to our neighbors experiencing homelessness. Thank you for embodying the mission of Catholic Charities of Acadiana and for being a beacon of hope to our neighbors in need.

It is my joy to celebrate you this week. We are excited to continue this journey together, united in our commitment to alleviating the suffering in our community.

With heartfelt thanks,
Kim Boudreaux
CEO, Catholic Charities of Acadiana

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